Health Justice Clinic student advocates provide advocacy services to Wisconsinites facing life-changing health events.
Patient advocacy services
For over 20 years, we have been advocating for health justice, focusing on the highest needs we see. While we have always helped people facing cancer, other needs have emerged over time. We remain nimble to help as many people as possible access the health they need.
The community has asked to help: address health-related legal issues arising from the COVID pandemic, appeal denials of Medicaid coverage during the “Medicaid Unwinding”, and appeal insurance denials for those seeking gender-affirming healthcare.
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Advocates can help with following things:
- Building a healthcare team
- Seeking second opinions
- Clarifying treatment options
- Accessing insurance coverage
- Navigating insurance appeals
- Managing medical debt
- Boosting care coordination
- Communicating with providers, insurers, family members, and others
- Writing a Power of Attorney for Healthcare
- Supporting transgender and gender non-conforming folx to get the care they need
Our LGBTQ+ Health Justice Program
The LGBTQ+ Health Justice program provides advocacy around fighting insurance companies, completing Power of Attorney for Healthcare paperwork to ensure decision making by chosen family or friends, countering stigma in healthcare settings, and more.
The LGBTQ+ community continues to face barriers, with increased attacks on gender-affirming care and LGBTQ+ rights. We are here to support your healthcare rights!
We need your support to fund this work!
Compassion for time delays: We are a small educational center and, while we make every effort to serve our clients right away, there may be times when you experience a short delay in the process. We do our best to prioritize urgent cases. Please tell us if you believe your case is time sensitive. If we determine we are not the best advocacy resource to address your concerns, we will provide referrals to appropriate community resources whenever possible.
We understand that for many people this is a chaotic time for you and we appreciate all the more you reaching out to us. We look forward to assisting you on your healthcare journey.
“We help people with life-changing health events get the care they need and find their way while the storm is raging outside.”
-Meg Gaines, Founder