Hanna Barton

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Instructor

Pronouns: they/them

Email: hbarton@wisc.edu

Hanna J. Barton, PhD (they/them) is a human factors and health systems engineer with expertise in field research methods, health information technology (HIT) evaluation, and user-centered design. Dr. Barton has a passion for applying systems engineering to design learning health systems that reliably deliver safe, equitable, and humane care for all. A significant contribution of their work thus far has been identifying and describing the home care environments and care work of caregivers, including the strategies caregivers develop to provide effective, safe care in their home. As a researcher in the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, their work leverages emerging technologies to design safer and more personalized care journeys for older adults and their care partners. They hold a BS in Biomedical Engineering and an MS and PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Human Factors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.