Sarah Davis

Credentials: JD, MPA

Position title: Director

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Phone: 608-265-0906

Picture of Sarah Davis

I have been teaching and advocating for health justice at the Center for Patient Partnerships for nearly 20 years. I love to teach about system-level advocacy at the policy and organizational levels, and systems thinking.  Like many health advocates, my advocacy started at an early age – in high school, I worked with smokers to change smoking policies at our high school to maximize class attendance and keep the bathrooms free of smoke.  I then fought for access to reproductive health in college and advocated for investment in HIV medication.

When I started at CPP in 2005, I joined Meg, our founding director, and 2 volunteers.  Faithful to our interdisciplinary ideals, we have grown  adding a robust community presence through our Resource Navigator Program, and innovative programs like LIFT Wisconsin, with the goal of tackling health justice broadly through civil legal justice reform. Our successful qualitative research team have created a Qualitative and Health Experiences Research Lab at the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.

My academic bio is available on the Law School website.

We have seen sea changes in health care in my time at CPP, and no doubt will experience continued transformation.  Take basic access to care as just one example – we continue to witness a roller coaster of changing levels of access and inequalities across communities.

When not working, I love to play strategic board games, be in nature, and cherish laughing with my high schooler and amazing wife.