Nancy Pandhi

Credentials: MD, Ph.D, MPH

Position title: Research Collaborator

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Nancy Pandhi received her B.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago and her M.D. from Medical College of Virginia. During her years at the Shenandoah Valley Family Practice Residency, she received a grant from the John Templeton Foundation to develop and implement a longitudinal spirituality and medicine curriculum. She was a recipient of the AAFP Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Excellence in Graduate Medical Education and the Resident Teaching Award. She also served as the resident member of the Family Medicine Residency Review Committee and the resident representative to the board of the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors.
Following residency, Nancy came to Wisconsin and completed the department’s NRSA research fellowship. She completed her MPH degree while a fellow, and then completed a PhD in Population Health Sciences.

Nancy’s research program is directed towards effective ambulatory care redesign for vulnerable populations. She completed a K-08 Career Development Award from NIH/NIA. Currently funded areas of interest include the integration of behavioral health and primary care, and patient engagement in care redesign. Nancy’s clinical practice is at the William T. Evjue Clinic of Access Community Health Centers.