Student Madeline Koengeter and Director Sarah Davis presented with Nurse Navigators Katrina Becker and Callen Smith at the October 5th School of Medicine and Public Health Diversity Summit: Protecting and Advancing Trans Health. Their breakout session was entitled: Increasing Access to Gender Affirming Care through an Innovative Advocacy Partnership. Session summary: Nurse Navigators at the Gender Affirming Care Clinic and Health Justice Advocates at the Center for Patient Partnerships have joined forces to help patients navigate the healthcare system as they pursue gender affirming care. Advocacy efforts include streamlining prior authorizations for care, appealing insurance denials, supporting care coordination and more. This session will share common barriers faced by patients, describe the partnership and share success stories in ensuring patient access to care. Available UW Health resources will be shared and the audience will have a chance to ask questions and share experiences. More info on the well-attended Summit here.