CPP invested heavily this year in growing and strengthening the Health Experiences Research Network (HERN). We played a key role in training more 40 new researchers, community advocates, graduate students, and clinicians to implement rigorous studies to understand patients’ diverse experiences with health and health care, and to publish results – including hundreds of video clips available at healthexperiencesusa.org.
Using research findings to shape medical school curricula
The research team also tested a new curriculum offering on young adult depression for medical students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
From Voice to Voices, a teaching module developed and tested by CPP and the UW Department of Family Medicine, allows students to delve into young adults’ experiences of depression. The study compared self-reported learning among medical students who completed the 3-hour, online course to the learning of students who saw patients in clinic. 56 third-year medical students participated in the study.
Evaluation of the curriculum indicated that students rated their exposure to the online depression module as highly as time in the clinic seeing patients. Specifically, students who completed the online module reported it helped them increase empathy, reduce stigma around mental illness, meet learning expectations around depression, and improve their clinical approach to patients with depression.
Read the full article at: https://europepmc.org/article/med/31348061